Website Application Testing Procedures
How to test software
1) Functionality Testing
a) Identification of requirement and goals
b) Input data based on functional specification
c) Output correct based on functional specification
d) Execution of test case
e) Compare actual to expected output
2) Non-functional Testing
a) Baseline Testing
Has performance increased
b) Compatibility Testing
Cross Browser, Printer, Mobile, databases, servers
c) Compliance (Conformance) Testing
Sometimes 3 party testing for certification or standards to meet Quality of Service (QoS)
d) Documentation Testing
Is written material readable and usable, with proper spelling and grammer?
e) Endurance (Soak)Testing
Testing with significant load for significant amount of time
f) Interface Testing
Error Handling, Connections
g) Load Testing
Testing large demand on the software in peak load conditions
h) Localization Testing
Will the application work in required cultures and locale?
i) Performance Testing
Load Testing, Stress Testing, Endurance Testing, Sniff Test, Smoke Test
j) Recovery Testing
How does the softwear recover from crashes, hardware and, services, failures? Failsafe
k) Security Testing
Spam, Hacking, URLs, Scripting attacks
l) Scalability Testing
Grow to meet needs
a) Usability testing
Navigation, Content, blackbox, steps, user accuracy, recall, response